With Salesforce package 2.10, we bring several improvements that streamline your experience across the board from Co-selling to Marketplace renewal management. In this blog, we go over the major changes and how they affect your Cloud Co-sell and Cloud Marketplace operations.
There are several other improvements such as – enhanced team member management for referral pages, Salesforce integration for public subscriptions, and multi-select picklist options in Mapping Manager. Boost your workflow and collaboration with these game-changing updates!
Co-sell with Microsoft using Labra’s Co-pilot App for Salesforce
- With Labra Oppsync, users can initiate referrals to Microsoft directly from their Salesforce accounts. The bi-directional data sync feature ensures seamless data exchange between the Microsoft Partner Portal and your Salesforce CRM, providing a streamlined and efficient workflow. Continue to work from your CRM.
- Private, Co-sell, and Partner Led Deals: Create deals with varying levels of Microsoft involvement and visibility based on selected options.
Streamlined subscription and renewal management
We’ve added a new subscription view that brings all the current subscriptions and relevant information into a quickly glanceable view.
Agreement Based Offers (ABO) in Labra
The renewal flow is made easier with the introduction of Agreement Based Offers (ABO). Using ABO, you can create an offer to renew or change an ongoing subscription.
When to use ABO?
- Upselling – Adding extra licenses to the subscription.
- Renewing – Buyer has agreed to renew for extra terms.
While using ABO with Labra, you get all capabilities like a new offer – Clone, save, delete, etc. This also helps reduce human error and makes it seamless to renew existing subscriptions improving the renewal rate.
Future Dated Agreements (FDA) in Labra
Another new capability is Future Dated Agreements (FDA), using which you can set a future start date for an agreement or contract can be beneficial for planning and coordination.
When to use FDA?
- Early renewal – FDA can be used to set up renewals for existing subscriptions with the buyer. Set the start date after the expiration date of existing running subscription.
- Book the deal based on sales needs. Buyer will be charged before the actual subscription start date.
- Charge the buyer based on your finance or accounting needs.
- Provide buyer access to the product, such as activating a license or entitlement, based on buyer needs.
Using FDA with Labra allows the involved parties to prepare adequately and ensures that all necessary arrangements are in place before the agreement officially begins. Thus, making planning and coordination better.
Setting a future start date provides a clear and structured framework for the commencement of contractual obligations, enhancing accountability and adherence to the terms outlined in the agreement.
These two new features completely change the way you manage your product subscriptions from Labra. Making the entire process of renewing and upselling easier with ABO. The FDA makes process of new subscription and renewal easier, making the end experience for the buyer continuous and without any disruption.
General platform updates
These updates improve the efficiency of your day-to-day workflow and provide more control over subscription management, streamline onboarding processes, enhance co-sell referral workflow, and offer better customization options through multi-select picklists.
- Labra Onboarding Quick Setup Enhancements
Separate toggle options have been introduced for the Solutions & Description screens in the Labra Onboarding Quick Setup. - AWS Co-Sell Referral Enhancements
When creating a referral using the ‘Co-Sell with Cloud Partner’ button, the following options are available based on the settings configured during onboarding:
- Enable Description Screen: If this checkbox is checked in the Labra Onboarding Quick Setup, sellers will see the description screen as part of the referral creation process.
- Enable Product and Solution Section: If this checkbox is enabled during onboarding, sellers will have access to the ‘Solution Offered’ and ‘AWS Product’ dropdown menus when creating a Labra referral. If this checkbox is not enabled, these dropdown menus will not be displayed.
- Mapping Manager Enhancement
Multi-select picklist options have been implemented for default value mapping in the mapping manager when creating referrals.