Shape the Future with Labra
Meet our mascot Bruce
A Labrador who possesses a friendly demeanor, keen intelligence, and plenty of energy. He never fails to inspire us in moving forward with our mission!
Our Mission
Make B2B cloud commerce as easy as B2C for cloud-native software buyers, sellers, and their partners.
A multi-culture and diverse team scattered around the world.
Labra is committed to diversity, inclusion, and equality worldwide, not just in the USA.

- 50+
- Labrans
- 9+
- Nationalities
- 22+
- Languages spoken
Labra's core values
Inspire by Examples
Work Smarter not Harder
Keep it Simple
Honor Your Commitments
Deliver with Confidence
Embrace Changes
Build the Best Customer Experience
Have a Fun-Loving Attitude
Grow and Learn Every Day
The attributes of Labra's culture
At Labra, everyone is treated as assets - not liabilities.

Celebrate Success
Empathy and Compassion
Open Door Policy
Take Initiative